Surface to Surface has drawn from its 20 years of contracting experience, and listened carefully to every contractor customer, to develop new innovative ways to provide better, faster, and more efficient mixing systems. We work with contractors to find out exactly what they need and from there, we make them better performing mixers. StS proprietary “Four-point shearing system” solves the problem of fast mixing fully sheared bentonite slurry. This ensures that the contractor can mix one batch at the start of the day and it will stay fully mixed, ready for use, until drained. Our mixers and cleaners (MAC’s) enable the recycling of diamond drilling fluids for use at least twice by removing small particle cuttings. The StS FL-243 Solidification System makes highly variable vacuum truck liquid waste and construction site liquid wastes into solids. This system uses a high shearing flail system to mix our FLAILBOND® solidification powder to solidify the liquid slurry. This helps our clients with their work in infrastructure and infrastructure upgrades, by making their job simpler, faster, easier, and less expensive.

These mixing systems enable our contractor customers to work in ways that are more environmentally responsible, use less water, and keep control of the materials on site. Our clients build pipelines, install pipeline water and sewer mains, natural gas road crossings, oil and gas river crossings, and oil and gas field collection pipeline systems. We help ensure that they safely excavate around existing pipelines and cables, and operate disposal sites. StS mixing systems are in use all over North America, wherever new infrastructure is being built or upgraded.

StS is constantly innovating, altering and developing new mixing machinery. What we do helps our customers to save time, reduce costs, and make their jobs run smoother. The StS experience is unbeatable. Once a contractor uses an STS mixer, it always becomes their preferred mixer!
